Sport and recovery

Sportive ayant l'air essoufflée

Recovery, a key stage in training

The benefits of exercise on physical and mental health are widely recognised.
In addition to reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, immune balance, stress management and maintaining a healthy weight, sport is also an essential element for preventing joint disorders and lower back pain.
However, intense, prolonged or simply poorly prepared sports training can cause functional disorders and physiological alterations, which end up weakening our body and slowing us down.
Whether you are an amateur or seasoned athlete, recovery is an integral part of training. Good recovery conditions the quality of the exercise and improves performance while preserving health.

Learn all about this multifactorial phenomenon

Oxidative stress, the athlete's little-known enemy

As a result of a normal metabolic process, the body produces free radicals, even at rest. Involved in cell signalling and the immune response, these unstable and highly reactive molecules are best known for their role in oxidative stress. During exercise, the increase in metabolism may be associated with the increased production of these radicals. The oxidative stress and inflammation induced are likely to cause many negative effectsincluding the onset of fatigue, decreased quality of exercise and performance, tissue damage, increased risk of injury and ultimately, poor recovery.

Acid-base imbalance

Acid-base balance is essential for maintaining optimal health. While the body is constantly generating acidity, homeostasis is normally ensured through a balanced diet. During exercise, the increase in energy metabolism is associated with an increased production and release of acids in the muscles and the blood: lactic acid, free radicals, cellular waste, etc. This alteration of the acid-base balance limits muscle recovery and can manifest as fatigue, reduced performance or injury.

Osteoarticular fragility

Sport can strain your joints. This is the case when an exercise is particularly long or intense, but also at the end of the season or when resuming activity. In addition to over-stressing the joints, the mineral losses and the acidic environment induced by physical activity increase the risk of damage, thus contributing to the onset of discomfort and wear, and can sometimes lead to osteoarthritis.

Magnesium losses

An essential mineral well known to athletes, magnesium plays a key role in energy metabolism and neuromuscular excitability. During physical activity, magnesium is quickly consumed by the production of energy or the fight against oxidative stress, but also by the simple phenomenon of sweating, which causes a significant loss of minerals. Magnesium deficiencies, frequent in athletes, manifest as general fatigue, and both muscular and nervous tension.

Supplementation, a daily reflex

Image de compléments alimentaires et de la poudre Melorun

To limit the negative effects that can be induced by exercise, even low intensity, good recovery is essential.
It also promotes more efficient training!
Along with a coherent training plan and an adapted diet, supplementation is today a major tool in athletes’ recovery.